Arabic Grammar/Eloquence Gem #4: EXCLUSIVITY

Exclusivity (taQdeem):

When Someone/thing is placed before a Description (adjective)  – it is not normal [it is abnormal] sentence structure. Which implies that this person/thing Exclusively has that description.

For example: People may say;

hamdun La-Ka – Praise is For You.
[normal sentence structure]

But; La-Ka al-Hamd = Praise is EXCLUSIVELY For You. [abnormal structure because ‘For You’ (La-Ka) is mentioned earlier in the sentence.)

This is why, when you say;

Iyyaa-Ka [You] – Na’budu [We worship].
– the ‘You’ (iyyaa-ka) is mentioned earlier in the sentence structure. Which implies that we worship ‘You’ [Allah] Exclusively/alone.
This is called TaQdeem (placing Earlier) and Ta’kheer (placing at the End) in Arabic eloquence.
and is used many times in the Qur’an.